Saturday, July 28, 2012

My Room.

A little more than a year ago was when I first learned about the goth subculture. After reading numerous articles by Jillian Venters on and researching what the goth subculture is, I decided to start expressing my inner goth. I live in a very small town and I always thought Goth was just another style. However, once I learned that it was really an entire lifestyle, I realized I was pretty much already apart of it (I've been listening to Evanescence since grade 4, Lacuna Coil since grade 6, Sirenia and Epica since grade 7, fell in love with The Birthday Massacre in grade 8. Not to mention I always loved Beetlejuice, and horror movies have always been my first choice at the local movie rental shop, etc). 

Anyways, I started dressing Goth fairly abruptly (as I already had half a closet of black) and I wanted to give my room a little makeover. Unfortunately, my mother didn't (and still doesnt) approve of all the black and 'darkness' (she shakes her head constantly as I walk out the door to catch the school bus). So, since painting my room black and draping black and purple velvet curtains all over the walls was not an option, I've simply been tossing little gothy trinkets all over the room.

My bookshelf: Vampire books, Frankenstein, Vampire Manga, more Vampire books, some Stephen King...pretty cliche stuff, I know. On the top shelf, to the far right I scattered dried roses and some skulls I bought at the Dollarama around halloween.

I printed some bat silhouettes off the internet and taped them to my wall. Also I bought some cute stuffed animals.

  I got the Spider with the top hat from the Dollarama around halloween (His name is Mr. Chaps). The striped Voodoo plush I also got at the Dollarama; but surprisingly I got it in the spring (His name is Suffer VenTeddy)! The small bat is something I made :D his name is Barnibas Van FrankenBat. anddd finally, the bigger bat is an Ugly Doll plush that I got from 'Ms. Tiggy Winkles', named Beelzebub. 

I have a collection of candle's, paintings/sketches that I did..and Tea cups&pots!
(Because you'know..Tea is goth ;)

Lastly, my desk. not very gothy, but it sure is a mess of art supplies! 

I used to have more skulls and rats and such strewn around. However, every time a new friend comes over or has a birthday I give them one. So I'm nearly all out. Halloween needs to come faster! 

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